When the day of Pentecost arrived ... suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind ... and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:1-4
When I was a seminary student, a professor published a book about the Holy Spirit entitled, The Half-Known God. A recent survey revealed that although 75% of Americans believe that angels exist, only 35% believe that the Holy Spirit exists. Today we celebrate Pentecost, one of three major Christian festivals, along with Christmas and Easter. But Pentecost hardly causes a stir, even in most churches. And yet if it hadn’t been for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on that first Pentecost, and the continued outpouring of the Holy Spirit on God’s people through the centuries, the true message of Christmas and Easter might long ago have been forgotten. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit continues to do his mighty work around the world, leading people to saving faith in Jesus, and transforming the hearts and lives of people like us.
Gil Duchow
Muskego, WI
Come Holy Spirit, fill us anew with God’s grace and truth. Amen.
Reflect: Use a commentary to search the Scriptures for references to the Holy Spirit.
Read: John 14:25-27 and Acts 2:1-11